AS34073 LR Izglitibas un zinatnes ministrija Downstreams

Downstreams IPv4

ASN ↕️
Name ↕️
Description ↕️
AS3241 LV image flag EDI Elektronikas un Datorzinatnu Instituts
AS5538 LV image flag SigmaNet-NIC Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Latvia
AS6832 LV image flag DPU-AS Daugavpils university
AS8605 LV image flag LANET University of Latvia
AS13242 LV image flag LLU Latvijas Biozinatnu un tehnologiju universitaete

Downstreams IPv6

ASN ↕️
Name ↕️
Description ↕️
AS5538 LV image flag SigmaNet-NIC Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science of University of Latvia
AS8605 LV image flag LANET University of Latvia
AS24620 LV image flag RTU Rigas Tehniska Universitate
AS196948 LV image flag VEA-AS Ventspils Augstskola

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