
A software engineer and Linux system administrator living in Indonesia, taking up the position as Full-Stack Developer for Wahana Data Solusindo.

About Me

Hi there! Welcome to my personal website! I'm ditatompel, a Software Engineer and Linux System Administrator living in Indonesia. My coding journey began when I (at the time) discovered "Friendster", a social networking site that allows us to modify our profile pages by injecting CSS and JavaScript. I think it's cool to be able to create animations and play songs on website pages. Since then, I've always been interested in computer science and technology, especially for every "magic" that happens under the hood, experimenting with various technologies, learning how computers work, especially on Unix and Unix-Like operating systems, and learning programming languages to broaden my skill set.

My "real" professional career in software development began 12 years ago, since I created my GitHub account (2011-11-10T00:24:11Z). Until now, I have owned and maintained 157 repositories (that takes about 3.06 GB of disk space, including private repos), joined to 3 organizations, and pushed 13,245 commits. Repositories have been automatically deployed 102 times, 413 issues were closed, and 1212 pull requests were merged. However, I still have 37 open issues in my repositories.

In the last 30 days, I coded using Neovim (97.47%) and  Vim (2.53%)  on the Linux Operating System (100%). My top 5 most-used programming languages are:

  1. Go (29.2%)
  2. Rust (19.42%)
  3. Zig (17.04%)
  4. C (8.4%)
  5. templ (6.3%)

The statistic above was generated on 3 May 2024, 12:01:38 +0700 using lowlighter/metrics; view more complete SVG-generated GitHub metrics graph.


If you want to contact me, have some questions, need some help, content removal, or bugs report, please contact me using one of the listed media below.


Find my email addresses from my GPG key below:

  • GPG Key: 4096R/77950979
  • Fingerprint: 72D9 225A 5946 08FF 7EE4 2041 31D3 D06D 7795 0979

You can also find my PGP public key from pgp.mit.edu public key server.

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