AS327764 Somali Research & Education Network(SomaliREN) Prefixes

Prefixes IPv4

IPv4 ↕️
Name ↕️
Description ↕️ SO image flag P2P-Links-SOON This is block is used to connect the P2P links connected to ou second ISP Somali Optical Networks. SO image flag SomaliREN Somali Research & Education Network SomaliREN SO image flag P2P-Links-UA This block is used to connect our P2P links connected to our first ISP UbuntuNet Alliance. SO image flag Institution-Publick-Block This block is assigned our member institutions to host some of their criticl services and its devided into /27s for each institituins.

Prefixes IPv6

IPv6 ↕️
Name ↕️
Description ↕️

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