AS30999 Emtel is GSM, 3G and ISP in Mauritius Downstreams

Downstreams IPv4

ASN ↕️
Name ↕️
Description ↕️
AS10798 ZA image flag SBICSA The Standard Bank of South Africa (Proprietary) Limited
AS13335 US image flag CLOUDFLARENET Cloudflare, Inc.
AS15084 US image flag CONVERGYS Concentrix CVG Corporation
AS25818 ZA image flag CMCNETWORKS CMC Networks
AS37708 MU image flag AFRINIC-MAIN AFRINIC MAIN AS (2 Byte)

Downstreams IPv6

ASN ↕️
Name ↕️
Description ↕️
AS13335 US image flag CLOUDFLARENET Cloudflare, Inc.
AS37708 MU image flag AFRINIC-MAIN AFRINIC MAIN AS (2 Byte)
AS329069 MU image flag CFSL1-AS CIM Financial Services Limited

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