
Just another coding nut and Linux enthusiast from Indonesia.

About Me

Welcome to my digital playground! I'm Ditatompel - just another coding nut and Linux enthusiast from Indonesia. I've been fascinated by computer science and technology since I was introduced to the concept of customizing social networking sites like Friendster using CSS and JavaScript.

Over the years, I've had the opportunity to work on various projects, experiment with different technologies, and learn new programming languages. As a Linux system administrator, I've also gained hands-on experience managing and troubleshooting various Linux-based systems. My professional career in software development began 13 years ago (2011-11-10T00:24:11Z). Since then, I've been steadily working on building my skills.

Some notable milestones from my journey include:

  • Maintaining 171 repositories (3.08 GB of disk space) with a mix of private and public projects
  • Joining 3 organizations and collaborating with other developers
  • Pushing a total of 17,208 commits to my repositories

In the past 30 days, you can find me coding primarily with Neovim (67.54 hours, 100%)  on Linux operating system (100%). My top 5 most-used programming languages are:

  1. Rust (53.95 hours, 79.88%)
  2. Zig (5.94 hours, 8.79%)
  3. C (5.8 hours, 8.59%)
  4. Lua (1.35 hours, 1.99%)
  5. Text (0.14 hours, 0.21%)

The statistic above was generated on 14 Mar 2025, 12:01:55 +0700 using lowlighter/metrics; view more complete SVG-generated GitHub metrics graph.


If you want to contact me, have some questions, need some help, content removal, or bugs report, please contact me using one of the listed media below.


You can also find my PGP public key from pgp.mit.edu public key server.

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About This Site

"Because no matter how smart we are, our first 100K lines of code in each programming language we wrote was garbage. Our first 50 bare metal servers we managed were a complete mess."

Ditatompel, a forgetful person after forgetting to turn off EC2 instances.